Dr. Sven Herpig
Lead Cybersecurity Policy and Resilience

Dr. Sven Herpig is the Lead for Cybersecurity Policy and Resilience.
The cybersecurity policy and resilience program covers a range of projects from improving cybersecurity for local governments to the national implementation of UN cyber norms.
Sven's own research areas include government policies on active cyber defense, geopolitical responses to cyber operations, government hacking and vulnerability management as well as the government's role in securing machine learning, fostering open source software security and securing elections.
Sven held the keynote at the G7 Digital Ministerial Meeting 2022 and presented his work inter alia at the US Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus, the European Parliament, and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute.
He served as subject matter expert in several German parliament's committee hearings on various topics, including German cybersecurity policy, IT security legislation, military cyber operations and digital sovereignty.
Additionally, he served as subject matter expert on the state level for the Berlin Committee for Home Affairs, Security and Order. Sven is Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Hull and Associate Fellow at the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS) of the University of Bonn and an active columnist for Tagesspiegel Background Cybersecurity.
Before Sven joined the Stiftung Neue Verantwortung, he was working with Germany's federal government for several years. First, we worked with the IT security staff at the Federal Foreign Office. He then became deputy of the cyber security and society unit at the Federal Office for Information Security. His PhD analyzed the strategic implications of cyber security and cyber operations for the state.
Sven is active in the following advisory boards, blogs and working groups:
Advisory Council for the EU Cyber Diplomacy Initiative - EU Cyber Direct
Civil society representative at Germany's national cybersecurity council (NCSR)
Contributing editor for the Directions blog
Federal working group on cybersecurity of the economic council of the CDU
Advisory Council for the Federal Office for Information Security annual IT security congress
Advisory Council "Deutschland sicher im Netz" (DsiN)
Global Partnership for Responsible Cyber Behaviour organized by RUSI
From 2021 to 2022, Sven was member of the Advisory Council on Digital Consumer Protection at the Federal Office for Information Security.
From 2020 to 2023, Sven was member ad hoc working group on artificial intelligence and cybersecurity of the European Cybersecurity Agency.
Publications by Dr. Sven Herpig
Vulnerability Disclosure: Guiding Governments from Norm to Action
How to Implement Norm J of the United Nations Norms of Responsible State Behaviour in Cyberspace
Dr. Sven Herpig
December 2, 2024
Active Cyber Defense Operations
Case Studies Cheat Sheets
Dr. Sven Herpig, Anushka Shah
July 10, 2024
Sicherheit und Resilienz von Maschinellem Lernen
Dr. Sven Herpig
March 15, 2024
Policy Brief
Active Cyber Defense
Toward Operational Norms
Dr. Sven Herpig
November 21, 2023
Deutschlands staatliche Cybersicherheitsarchitektur
Dr. Sven Herpig, Frederic Dutke
October 19, 2023
Germany’s Cybersecurity Architecture
Dr. Sven Herpig, Frederic Dutke
October 19, 2023
Other Input from Dr. Sven Herpig
In the Media
Schwachstellen gemeinsam richtig offenlegen
Dr. Sven Herpig
June 27, 2024
In the Media
Immer mehr Cyberangriffe: Experte erklärt, was das konkret bedeutet
Dr. Sven Herpig
May 13, 2024
In the Media
Was kommt nach dem Ende des Lebenszyklus?
Dr. Sven Herpig
April 25, 2024
In the Media
Warum Cybersicherheit für Unternehmen eine Frage der Eigenverantwortung ist
Dr. Sven Herpig
April 15, 2024
In the Media
A chilling near-miss shows how today’s digital infrastructure is vulnerable
Dr. Sven Herpig
April 4, 2024
In the Media
The Pall Mall Process on Cyber Intrusion Capabilities
Dr. Sven Herpig, Dr. Alexandra Paulus
March 19, 2024
Events with Dr. Sven Herpig
November 2024
12:00 - 13:00
Expert Briefing
Umgang mit Webex-Cloud-Schwachstelle: Lessons-to-be-Learned
Dr. Sven Herpig
November 2024
12:00 - 13:00
Expert Briefing
Öffentliche Anhörung des Innenausschusses zum NIS-2-Umsetzungs- und Cybersicherheitsstärkungsgesetz
Dr. Sven Herpig
June 2024
13:00 - 14:00
Wie verändert Künstliche Intelligenz die Cybersicherheitslandschaft?
Dr. Sven Herpig
May 2024
11:00 - 12:00
Aktive Cyberabwehr auf der Cybercrime Conference C³
Dr. Sven Herpig
Meet other Experts
Helene Pleil
Senior Policy Reseacher Cybersecurity Policy and Resilience