Transatlantic Cyber Forum—Cooperating on Borderless Cyber Security Challenges
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February 19, 2020
Sven Herpig and Julia Schuetze wrote in the book "Redesigning Institutions" published by Springer International about the work of the Transatlantic Cyber Forum and its working methods.
Rethinking traditional patterns of action to find joint solutions in a connected and fast-changing field with shared challenges faced by many governments seems prudent. The Snowden revelations and increasing hostilities in cyberspace were a wake-up call especially for the transatlantic community to build more resilient networks, and collaborate on finding good solutions. The Transatlantic Cyber Forum shows how confidence-building and cooperation between actors from both increasingly interconnected societies can be achieved. The core values of the Transatlantic Cyber Forum as an institution are independence, transparency and sustainability. The newly established workflow uses many features that adhere to multi-stakeholder policy-making. This includes aspects such as regular communication, interdisciplinarity and intersectional discussions.
Disclaimer: For fellow researchers and educational purposes the book chapter may be available, please contact the authors.