Inspiring Democracy - New Forms of Participation
Dominik Hierlemann, Robert B. Vehrkamp, Anna Wohlfarth
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May 01, 2013
Democracy lives and thrives on the participation of its citizens. But what is more to the point, without the participation of its citizenry, democracy would not exist at all. Yet traditional avenues for political participation such as elections or becoming involved in party work are being pursued less and less.
In recent years, all around the world, in all the developed democracies, numerous new modes of participation have developed, putting the focus on dialogue and deliberation. Citizens are becoming involved in politics in ever newer and often more unconventional ways.
In this study, exciting and effective means of participation are presented and compared, with informational graphics providing a quick understanding of the different formats. Interviews withexperts and practitioners highlight developments and examples for participation and give the reader an outlook on the future of democracy and the coming diversity of political participation.